
Treating Infected Gums – Top Signs Yours Are Infected

Do you have infected gums? Did you know that most people – even people with excellent looking teeth – have infected gums? That's because every day thousands of bacteria are trying to infiltrate our mouths. They do so by feeding on the sugars that we ingest and by forming a thin bio film on our teeth called plaque.
Plaque makes it even easier for bacteria to infect the gums because it is constantly present on the gum lining and tissues. Over time, plaque can harden into tartar, making it even easier for infected gums to thrive in our mouths.
Bacteria favor the pockets of the gums, where they will set up shop and cause infected gums and gum pockets, also called gingivitis, which is the early stages of periodontal disease, the leading cause of tooth decay and tooth loss worldwide.
When infected gums are left untreated, they can contribute to loose teeth, tooth loss, gum lesions and boils, toothaches, bleeding gums and more. Learn some of the top signs and symptoms of infected gums so that you can best protect your oral health and smile.

Top Signs & Symptoms That You Have Infected Gums According to the University of Iowa College of Dentistry, pain is not generally a factor with early stages of gum disease or infected gums; one of the main reasons that people do not realize that they have infected gums.
The key signs of infected gums include: gums bleeding when you brush or floss them, separating gum tissues from the teeth, loose teeth, pus draining from the gums, inflamed gums, red gums and swollen gums are key signs that you need to see your dentist as soon as you can to have them conduct an oral examine for infected gums.
Treatment for Infected Gums The most common treatment for infected gums is root scaling and planning (cleanings and deep oral cleanings). These treatments are designed to remove the bio film buildup of tartar and plaque as well as quell the bacterial infections in the pockets of the gums that are contributing to infected gums.
The goal of these treatments is to reduce these elements and eradicate or reduce the infections in the pockets of the gum so that the gums can heal. In some cases of infected gums, antibiotics and other medications may be prescribed to aid a patient in treating infected gums.
Surgery for Infected Gums Sometimes surgery may be necessary for treating infected gums. One type of surgery is a surgical cleaning, where a dentist cuts open the gum flaps so that they can treat the infected gum pockets (mostly in cases of very deep pockets of infected gums that are deeper than 6 mm and that are hard to reach with oral cleanings).
In the cases of a receding gum line from infected gums, gum skin graft surgery may be required to repair the gum lining. In other cases of infected teeth, root canal therapy or tooth extraction may be required

Preventing Gum Decay (Gum Disease)

Gum decay is better known by most people as gum disease. Gum disease and gum decay are basically the same things: they represent the gums being perpetually attacked by bacteria and germs, and ultimately becoming infected and decaying. The early signs of gum decay are called gingivitis, which if left untreated can rapidly progress into periodontitis.
Gum decay is something that should be taken very seriously, because the lining of gums can easily become infected with bacteria if tartar and plaque (biofilm) on the teeth is not removed daily and treated annually with cleanings at your dentist's office.
When the gums become infected they form gum pockets, which are pockets of infection that cause the gums to detach from the teeth and that can attack the teeth, the bones, the jaw and the gums, ultimately causing gum decay, tooth decay and tooth loss.
Who Gets Gum Decay? Gum decay is perhaps the most common disease in the world. As a matter of fact, about eight out of ten people will suffer from gum decay during their lifetime. Experts say that about eighty percent of all people already do suffer from gum decay. Needless to say, it's so common that gum disease is considered to be the most common and prevalent of all disease worldwide during the present day, which is a shockingly alarming statistic.

How Can You Prevent Gum decay? It's unanimously agreed upon that prevention is the best method of treating gum decay, although those who suffer from gum decay do have conventional treatment options. Experts suggest that you only eat products that contain natural sugars, like Xylitol, which is a naturally occurring sugar in the body that does not promote gum decay or tooth decay. One should avoid eating processed foods that contain pesticides and avoid junk foods at all costs, which can disrupt the body's natural balance.
An active lifestyle and a well balanced and healthy diet in combination with a strong oral hygiene regiment – i.e., brushing, flossing, tongue scraping, mouth rinsing daily – is a strong method of prevention. Additionally, natural supplements that contain antioxidants like vitamin C, bioflavonoids and Coq10 can help promote excellent gum health and prevent gum decay.
Treatment Options for Gum Decay Your dentist may prescribe more frequent oral cleanings, deep cleanings or a full mouth debridement for treating gum decay You may need surgical debridement where the gum flaps are folded and a deep cleaning is surgically administered Laser gum cleaning is becoming increasingly popular but is limited in where you can find it Prescription products like antibiotics and toothpastes may be prescribed to reduce bacterial growth Gum skin graft surgery may be required for gum decay where the gums have recessed too far

Smart Tips on Preventing Dental Diseases

There are several different types of dental diseases that can really contribute to poor oral health and a decline in overall health, too. While the most common type of dental diseases is gingivitis, this is just an early stage of periodontitis, and if left untreated it can rapidly progress into something far more serious.
Learn more about the different types of dental diseases, and some smart tips that you can implement right now so that you can avoid ever contracting them, and so that you can enjoy a healthy and happy smile.
Common Types of Dental Diseases Gingivitis is a mild and rather common form of dental diseases that is estimated to affect nearly 80% of all people on the planet. It is not usually accompanied by any pain, making it hard for people who suffer from it to detect it. It is accompanied by bleeding gums and sensitive gums, but can be corrected with simple dental procedures and proper daily oral hygiene.
More complex dental disease includes advanced gingivitis, which can lead to periodontitis if left untreated and unchecked. This is where the gums are attacked by bacteria and toxins, forming pockets on the gums and causing them to separate from the teeth as the bacteria attack the bones and the supportive tissues, ultimately contributing to tooth decay and tooth loss. Aggressive periodontitis is an aggressive form of dental diseases that is characterized by amilial aggregation and bone decay or destruction.

Chronic periodontitis is the most common form, characterized by gingival recession and bone decay, pocket formation on the gums and chronic inflammation.
Necrotizing periodontal disease is one of the rarer dental diseases and results in, "necrosis of gingival tissues, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone," according to Perio.org. It's more common in persons who suffer from autoimmune diseases and disorders.
Smart Tips on Preventing Dental Diseases There are ways to go about preventing different dental diseases. Your first step is found in proper daily oral health care and a strict regiment that includes seeing your dentist at least one time every six months.
What follows are some smart tips on how to avoid contracting dental diseases.
Brush your teeth daily and in between meals for about two minutes each time; try using a sonic rotary toothbrush that is clinically proven to remove more plaque than a manual toothbrush
Floss your teeth – look for organic floss that contains antibacterial oils like tea tree oil so that you can more effectively remove tartar and plaque and combat bacteria
Use an antiseptic mouthwash daily, natural products are great, and you can find ones that contain potent antimicrobial essential oils and antioxidants like Coq10 that promote excellent oral health
Avoid consuming too much sugar and eat a balanced and healthy diet
See your dentist every six months for a full checkup and cleaning to detect Dental Diseases and treat them early or to prevent them from occurring

Getting Screened for Gum Cancer & How to Prevent It

According to recent studies that were conducted by the American Cancer Society, men are about fifty percent more likely to get oral cancer and gum cancer than women are. Men who are over the age of 50 years old are the most at risk. During the year of 2008, medical records show that more than 35,000 people in the United States were diagnosed with oral cancer.
There were numerous causes of it; the most common included the following: Usage of tobacco products; cigarettes, pipes, tobacco, cigars and chewing tobacco Chronic usage or abuse of alcoholic beverages Overexposure to the harmful UV rays that are emitted by the sun History of cancer or cancers in the family line
Gum cancer is defined by leading medical experts at WebMD.com as an, "uncontrollable growth of cells that invade and cause damage to surrounding tissue. Oral cancer [gum cancer] appears as a growth or sore in the mouth that does not go away. Oral cancer, which includes cancers of the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses, and pharynx."

Cancer Causes
Are you a Journalist or a HCP researching causes of cancer? Info www.thewhiteroom.info
Can You Cure Gingivitis?
You CAN Put an End to Gingivitis. We Offer 4 Simple Steps to Success. www.OraMD.com

If it is not treated early or detected early by a dentist or a doctor, the survival rate rapidly declines. It is detected by a full examination of the mouth and the surrounding organs, like the neck, glands and face. If abnormalities are detected, a culture or sample may be taken to be analyzed, and further tests may be required in order to adequately and accurately determine a diagnoses of oral cancer or gum cancer.
Getting Screened for Gum Cancer You usually will get screened for oral cancer and gum cancer by your dentist during your checkup. They will check for abnormal lumps and tissues in your mouth and on your gums, as well as check your neck and glands for lumps or abnormalities.
They will look for sores, lesions, growths and lumps that can indicate the signs of oral cancer or gum cancer. If they suspect that you may have something irregular, they will advise you of what tests are required to determine if any abnormalities found may indicate that you have oral cancer, and will then advise you on your treatment options.
Preventing Gum Cancer: Simple Tips The best method of preventing oral cancer and gum cancer is to avoid doing anything that can contribute to it. Don't use any tobacco products or smoking products, as these contain toxins that contribute to the formation of oral cancers and gum cancer

Key Causes of Swollen and Sore Gums

he last thing that anybody wants to have to deal with is swollen and sore gums. It can cause much unnecessary pain and discomfort, and sore swollen gums can actually be caused by a variety of different reasons, too. If you notice that your gums are abnormally swollen or sore, this could be just a minor irritation or it could be the signs of something more serious, like a decline in oral health and or the onset or early stages of gum disease. The best way to prevent swollen teeth gums is by taking excellent care of your mouth on a daily basis.

Preventing Swollen and Sore Gums By taking proper care of your mouth, you can best prevent sore swollen gums. A good oral hygiene regiment involves brushing and flossing your teeth every day and in between meals to dislodge food particles and to prevent gum swelling, infection, gum disease and tooth decay. You should also be rinsing your mouth with a potent mouthwash to kill any lingering bacteria and brushing or scraping your tongue daily as well. Make sure to see your dentist for regular checkups to ensure optimal oral health, as most dental problems start off as minor and can more easily be treated during the early stages.

Top Causes of Sore Swollen Gums There are some top leading causes of swollen and sore gums, and the following list should serve to better apprise you of what these causes are. These are just some general causes, and don't cover all of known causes, but they are amongst the most common of them. Ill fitting dentures can scrape the gums and cause swollen sore gums Braces or improperly fitted braces are key causes of sore gums and gum swelling A vitamin C deficiency is a known cause of swollen gums and sore gums, and is also called scurvy by doctors Improper daily oral hygiene is a key contributor Not seeing your dentist for regular visits can leave gums untreated, causing infection and swelling Lack of proper vitamins and minerals, aside from vitamin C, and lack of important bioflavonoids can cause sore swollen gums Abuse of alcohol, smoking or drug abuse Autoimmune diseases Spicy foods, hot foods and cold foods can irritate the gums Viral, bacterial or fungal infections Infected teeth, infected gums, gum boils and gum blisters

Generally, most instances of swollen and sore gums can be prevented by adhering to a strict oral hygiene routine. Chronic and persistent swollen sore gums can be the signs of something more serious. If you ever have any questions about your gums or oral health, see your dentist right away so that you can gain expert diagnoses and treatment.