
Treating Infected Gums – Top Signs Yours Are Infected

Do you have infected gums? Did you know that most people – even people with excellent looking teeth – have infected gums? That's because every day thousands of bacteria are trying to infiltrate our mouths. They do so by feeding on the sugars that we ingest and by forming a thin bio film on our teeth called plaque.
Plaque makes it even easier for bacteria to infect the gums because it is constantly present on the gum lining and tissues. Over time, plaque can harden into tartar, making it even easier for infected gums to thrive in our mouths.
Bacteria favor the pockets of the gums, where they will set up shop and cause infected gums and gum pockets, also called gingivitis, which is the early stages of periodontal disease, the leading cause of tooth decay and tooth loss worldwide.
When infected gums are left untreated, they can contribute to loose teeth, tooth loss, gum lesions and boils, toothaches, bleeding gums and more. Learn some of the top signs and symptoms of infected gums so that you can best protect your oral health and smile.

Top Signs & Symptoms That You Have Infected Gums According to the University of Iowa College of Dentistry, pain is not generally a factor with early stages of gum disease or infected gums; one of the main reasons that people do not realize that they have infected gums.
The key signs of infected gums include: gums bleeding when you brush or floss them, separating gum tissues from the teeth, loose teeth, pus draining from the gums, inflamed gums, red gums and swollen gums are key signs that you need to see your dentist as soon as you can to have them conduct an oral examine for infected gums.
Treatment for Infected Gums The most common treatment for infected gums is root scaling and planning (cleanings and deep oral cleanings). These treatments are designed to remove the bio film buildup of tartar and plaque as well as quell the bacterial infections in the pockets of the gums that are contributing to infected gums.
The goal of these treatments is to reduce these elements and eradicate or reduce the infections in the pockets of the gum so that the gums can heal. In some cases of infected gums, antibiotics and other medications may be prescribed to aid a patient in treating infected gums.
Surgery for Infected Gums Sometimes surgery may be necessary for treating infected gums. One type of surgery is a surgical cleaning, where a dentist cuts open the gum flaps so that they can treat the infected gum pockets (mostly in cases of very deep pockets of infected gums that are deeper than 6 mm and that are hard to reach with oral cleanings).
In the cases of a receding gum line from infected gums, gum skin graft surgery may be required to repair the gum lining. In other cases of infected teeth, root canal therapy or tooth extraction may be required